Non Executive Director – Department for EducationClosed 

*Closes 23rd October* Introduction from the Secretary of State The Department for Education is leading delivery of the Government’s Opportunity Mission, seeking to break the link between young people’s background and future success. Working closely with key partners across and [...]

Lead Non Executive Director – Department for EducationClosed 

*Closes 23rd October* Introduction from the Secretary of State The Department for Education is leading delivery of the Government’s Opportunity Mission, seeking to break the link between young people’s background and future success. Working closely with key partners across and [...]

Chairperson and Members – Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment Council (CCEA)Closed 

*Closes 31st October* The Department of Education has launched a public appointments competition to appoint a Chairperson and Members to the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment Council (CCEA). Background  The CCEA is a non-departmental public body sponsored by [...]

Chairperson – Education AuthorityClosed 

*Closes 10th October* This role of Chair is a remunerated public appointment with a four-year term. The anticipated time commitment associated with the role is three days per week. Established in 2015, the Education Authority (EA) is the non-department public [...]

Skills England Board Member – Department for Education

*Closes 27th September* Meeting the skills needs of the next decade is central to delivering the Government’s missions across all regions and nations. Skills England will drive this effort forward by bringing together employers, education/training providers and unions with national [...]

Skills England Chair – Department for Education

*Closes 27th September* Meeting the skills needs of the next decade is central to delivering the Government’s missions across all regions and nations. Skills England will drive this effort forward by bringing together employers, education/training providers and unions with national [...]

Board Members – Comhairle na Gaelscolaĺochta (CnaG) and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)

*Closes 24th July* The Department of Education has launched a public appointments competition to appoint two members to the Board of the Comhairle na Gaelscolaĺochta (CnaG) and four members to the Board of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education [...]

Non Executive Directors – Middletown Centre for Autism (MCA)

*Closes 18th April* The Department of Education has launched a public appointments competition to appoint four Directors to the Board of the Middletown Centre for Autism (MCA). MCA is a joint North/South initiative with funding provided by the Departments of [...]

School Governors – Department of Education

*Closes 12th January* School Governor Opportunities  The Department of Education (DE) and Education Authority (EA) have launched a new campaign inviting applications for school governors in Controlled and Maintained schools across Northern Ireland. Becoming a school governor is an excellent [...]

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