*Closes 08th February*

The Department for Communities (DfC) is seeking to appoint an Independent Member to the Standards Committee. The Committee is an advisory body with an independent chairperson, two independent members and departmental officials responsible for providing the Department for Communities Deputy Secretary of Supporting People Group  with assurance on social security and child maintenance standards of decision making and financial accuracy.

Applicants must have:

  • a knowledge of the strategic issues affecting the Department for Communities social security and child maintenance business areas and the impact on service delivery;
  • a knowledge of public opinion on social security and child maintenance matters;
  • experience of working with the voluntary sector, community groups, trade unions or other groups which regularly represent customers in their dealings with the Department for Communities; 
  • experience of working with internal and external stakeholders to achieve organisational objectives; and
  • an ability to articulate views clearly and concisely to inform discussion and decision making.

Further details on the role, remuneration, selection criteria and time commitment are included in the application pack which you are encouraged to read fully.

How to apply

An application pack can be obtained via the following:

Website –www.communities-ni.gov.uk/dfc-public-appointments

E-mail – Standards.Committee@DFCNI.gov.uk

Telephone: 0300 076 1421

If you require an application form in a different format please contact us using the above details.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00 noon on 8 February 2024.  Late applications will not be accepted.

Equality Of Opportunity

The Department for Communities is committed to the principles of public appointment based on merit, with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The Department is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants.