*Closes 16th December*

The Department of Justice is seeking to appoint a Chairperson and 12 Board members to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI).

The Probation Board came into existence in 1982 and is a Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department of Justice; its statutory responsibilities are set out in the Probation Board (NI) Order 1982. Board members are appointed by, and accountable to, the Minister of Justice. The Board can consist of a Chair, a Deputy Chair and between 10 to 18 board members. In this competition the Minister is seeking to appoint a Chair and 12 Board Members. A Deputy Chair will be appointed via an internal process from the pool of board members following appointment.

The successful candidates will bring experience, professionalism and knowledge to these posts. They will have a successful track record built on Leadership, Building & Maintaining Effective Relationships, Governance & Organisational Performance and Strategic Thinking.

The Chairperson and Board Members are appointed for a term of three years. The maximum number of terms that they can serve is two. There is no automatic reappointment to the roles and therefore, should the Chairperson and Board Members wish to serve a second term, they are required to reapply for the role.

The Chairperson will be required to work a minimum of two days a week and remuneration for this position is £33,010.

Board Members attendance is a minimum of 25 days per annum and remuneration for these positions is £5,050 per annum.

Candidate information packs and applications forms are available on the DOJ website at Recruitment Probation Board Northern Ireland | Department of Justice

We particularly welcome applications from women, people under the age of 40, individuals from a minority ethnic community and people with a disability.

Applications close at noon on Monday 16 December 2024. The Chair and Board members are expected to be appointed on 1 March 2025 for a term of three years.