Could you transform the Northern Ireland economy?

The Department for the Economy (DfE) is seeking to appoint a new Chairperson to the Board of Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) – Northern Ireland’s economic development agency. The Department has the principal responsibility for developing economic policy in Northern Ireland.

The principal role of Invest NI is to carry out the functions of a service delivery body, developing and implementing programmes and processes designed to help achieve the Department’s economic policy aims and objectives. An independent review of Invest NI was published in January 2023.

DfE and Invest NI have accepted all the Review Panel’s recommendations and have recently published an action plan which will deliver the profound change called for in the report.
Women, people with a disability and those from minority ethnic communities are currently under-represented on the Invest NI Board and applications from members of
these groups would be particularly welcome.

Appointment: Chair to the Invest Northern Ireland Board Salary £46,087 per annum. Approximately four days per month

The appointment begins on 1 March 2024 and attracts remuneration of £46,087 per year. The time commitment is approximately four days per month including monthly
board meetings, ad hoc committee meetings and attendance at occasional evening engagements. There may also be some overseas travel.

Applicants are required to submit evidence of competency against five essential criteria in total. An application pack with full details and guidance may be obtained from:

  • DfE’s Public Appointments Unit, Adelaide House, 39-49 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8FD.
  • Email:
  • Telephone: (Janet McCrum) 028 9052 9492
  • Text Relay: 18001 028 9052 9492.

Application packs can be made available in other formats upon request. Applicants with a disability who meet all of the criteria at the sift stage will automatically be guaranteed an interview.
The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday 9 November 2023. Late applications will not be accepted (unless in exceptional circumstances). Applicants invited for interview are eligible for reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses incurred within the UK and the Republic of Ireland.